Care 4 Dolphins Competition 2019
The latest scientific research estimates that over 8 million metric tonnes (80,000,000,000 kgs) of plastic and other types of trash enters the oceans every year! This is the same as 571,429 full-grown blue whales! or the equivalent of a rubbish truck full of trash being thrown into the ocean every minute of every day. Our marine habitats and wildlife are suffering like never before.
All around the world, dead whales, including sperm whales and beaked whales who are the deepest of all divers in the oceans, are washing up dead with stomachs full of trash. As if sentinels from the deep with the darkest of messages. A juvenile beaked whale recently washed up dead in the Philippines and has over 40kg of plastic bags in its stomach. Unfortunately is is no longer an unusual case with similar cases being reported all around the world.
We want YOUR help to remove plastic from your local environment and be part of the solution, and at the same time you can win, by entering in our Care 4 Dolphins competition for International Dolphin Day on 14 April. Check out our Competition Page for more details on how to enter.