Cetacea Guide & Operator Training

2 Day Course

Best Practice Guiding for Whale & Dolphin Tourism Guides & Operators

Next course:  TBC

Bowe Jingi Walla

Bowe Jingi Walla

Where: TBC

Cost: $160/person (group booking arrangements can be made)

Course Outline:

This short course provides an introduction to the biology, ecology of cetaceans (whales and dolphins) in Australia.  It provides training in behavioural interpretation, management of interactions with cetaceans for operators and interpretive training for guides.  It emphasises the best practice approach to operation and guiding for cetacean watching operators taking into consideration the needs of clients, their expectations, and satisfaction.  The training is delivered by cetacean tourism researchers and experts and is available for all cetacean watching and swim-with operators, guides and staff.

Course Delivery:

2016 Course Participants

–          In-class delivery and in-field practical components

–          The opportunity to meet other operators and ocean users

Course Content:

The course content includes 7 modules that include the following content:

–    Cetacean (whale & dolphin) biology & ecology

–    Interpretation of cetacean behaviours & management of interactions

–   Conservation issues and value of cetacean watching

–   Best-practice guiding & interpretation programs for cetacean tours & business

–    Regulations of cetacean watching in Australian state and federal waters

–    Marketing and business best-practice creating realistic expectations and facilitating customer satisfaction


Each participate will receive a certificate of course completion along with course supporting materials*.

Book your spot quickly as there are very limited places available!

If you have a group who would like to participate in this course, we can also come to you. Simply contact us and we can make arrangements for you.

Short refresher courses are also available on an annual basis for those that have completed the course.

Business owners will be given the opportunity to incorporate the Dolphin Research Australia Inc. training certification into marketing and promotion materials**

How to Book

Simply send us an email info(at)dolphinresearchaustralia.com and we’ll send you all the course information and enrollment form.

Enquiries: Please contact us if you have any questions about the course, to arrange us to come to you or booking enquiries at info(at)dolphinresearchaustralia.com

* Please note this is not an accredited course at this stage and certificates are an acknowledgement of attendance and course completion.

**Conditions Apply