Navy Training Causes Whale Death?

A 3-year-old member of an endangered orca population in the Pacific North West found dead on a Washington State beach recently was blown up, according to Ken Balcomb, director of the locally-based Center for Whale Research. The body of…

Humans implicated in multiple dolphin deaths

Human interference has been linked to multiple deaths of dolphins in recent months in Australia.  In December two neonate bottlenose dolphin calves were found to have fatal injuries from human interference.  One was found washed…

Dolphins & Plastics

Throughout the world, the levels of plastic debris are increasing dramatically.  Recent research into the levels of plastic ingestion in Fransiscana dolphins (Pontoporia blainvillei) from Argentina demonstrate the levels of exposure coastal…

New Insight into Humpback Whales

Tourist accidentally reveals new insight into humpback biology In the past decades researchers have discovered a lot about the secret life of humpback whales and their migration. This species is known to travel incredible distances…

Dolphin Sighting Network Workshop

Come and learn all about dolphin biology and ecology at our upcoming Dolphin Sighting Network Workshop, 6th August 2010 at the Gecko House, Currumbin, Qld.  The workshop covers all sorts of topics including how dolphins feed, how they recognise…

Oil Spill Effects Cetaceans of the Gulf

The Gulf of Mexico oil leak continues to spill out over 4 million litres (higher end estimate) of oil each day and is one of the worst that has occurred on Earth.  It began over 70 days ago and now stretches along 190km of coastline.  The…

Marine Debris Causes Whale Deaths

A recent paper published in the Marine Pollution Bulletin reports on the results of the cause of death of two sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) stranded in 2008 along the coast of California.  The cause of death was a result of the…

Snubfin dolphins under threat

The Australian snubfin dolphin, which closely resembles the Irrawaddy dolphin, is Australia’s only endemic dolphin species. These dolphins are found in small, isolated populations inhabiting shallow coastal waters around northern Australia…

Plastic debris in stomach of gray whale

On April 18th, on the other side of the world, an adult male gray whale was found dead on the shores of West Seattle in the United States.  Although the cause of death is not currently known, researchers from Cascadia Research found some…

Dolphin & Whale Fun Facts

Dolphin & Whale Fun Facts Are dolphins & whales mammals? Yes, dolphins and whales are mammals. Like all mammals, they breath air, are warm blooded, give birth to live young, lactate and have hair. The ancestors of whales and dolphins…

What can you can do to help?

WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP Each of us can make a difference to help ensure the survival of marine mammals and other animals for future generations. Pick up any rubbish on the beaches or near drains and dispose of properly. Buy ‘dolphin…