We are excited to bring you the brand new issue # 7 of CetusGeo Dolphin & Whale Emagazine! In this issue we bring you some of the latest news from around the world. We meet the incredibly talented artist Jaimee Paul, speak with Dr Lindsay Porter about the highs and lows of being a cetacean researcher, and Dr Rachel Yerbury tells us why it’s beneficial for us to stay connected to nature. We find out about dolphin personalities from Dr Bruno Diaz, explore the controversial issue of feeding wild dolphins with Nicola Kennedy and learn about coral reefs and why they are so fascinating with Mia Gustavsson. We learn about the fascinating Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin and the status of the Chinese pink dolphin – a population in urgent need of protection.

Put together by our amazing volunteer contributors we hope you enjoy!

For current members and adopt-a-dolphin guardians, you’ll receive an issue directly to your email inbox as part of your special annual subscription.For non-members, you can grab a copy for a very special price of $10 from our webstore.