Adopt-A-Dolphin & Win!
Events What better way to show a loved one you care by making them a dolphin guardian this Christmas!
The SCU Dolphin Ecology & Acoustics Project has some beautiful dolphins up for adoption. They are ambassadors for their species and the…
Update from the Field
The Dolphin Ecology & Acoustics Project team have been busy in the field in South East Queensland. This season has had some great weather and the team of sighted Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins, common dolphins and of course, bottlenose…
Humans implicated in multiple dolphin deaths
Human interference has been linked to multiple deaths of dolphins in recent months in Australia. In December two neonate bottlenose dolphin calves were found to have fatal injuries from human interference. One was found washed…
Dolphins & Plastics
Throughout the world, the levels of plastic debris are increasing dramatically. Recent research into the levels of plastic ingestion in Fransiscana dolphins (Pontoporia blainvillei) from Argentina demonstrate the levels of exposure coastal…
Whale Fest 2011!!
Campaigns & Rescues
Whale Fest 2011 is set to take off with a bang in celebration of the return of the humpback whales and their local cousins, the dolphins. Whale Fest 2011 will showcase the rich cultural diversity of the northern NSW region as well as integrating…
Byron Bay Winter 2011 Season Begins
Our Winter 2011 dolphin research season in Byron Bay has just begun. Our field team are rugged up and ready for this exciting season. With a quiet start on Sunday and some cold rain on Monday, today was a great sunny day with lots of…